Eblast Template


A creative and easy to follow Eblast Template is important because it positions you as a credible source within your industry. The result is when people subscribe to your email list, they are excited to learn more about your business and area of expertise.

More importantly, weekly eblast’s quickly and effectively update your audience on topics in your business. Did you know that 91% of email users check their email daily? The result of this means properly curated eblasts can be more effective than social media.

Our goal is to create an eblast email template that is simple to update, speaks to your brand and ensures your eblast email marketing campaign gets results.

  • 1-hour discovery meeting to determine eblast template style
  • Choice of eblast template in Mail Chimp OR ##
  • Create a custom branded email template (logo provided by client) + 3 compelling single topic eblasts
  • OR
  • Write ?? compelling one-page, one-topic eblasts using the template provided by client
  • Content for one of the following: employee newsletter, email marketing program, recruiting, product or service
  • Curation of brand images to create newsletter (images provided by client)
  • Final eblasts are provided in a download


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