What exactly does it mean to develop a business road map? Think of this – What if you were driving hours away to a place you have never visited before? Would you jump in the car with no map or directions, and drive hoping to eventually find it? Or would you create a plan on how to get there?  Making a plan matters because it saves you time, money and stress. Business is exactly the same. The better you plan out your journey, the better the end results.

A business road map is a step by step plan you make in the direction and future of your business. Right now, is a great time to really EVALUATE your business and create your road map to ensure the future success of your business.  This is also an exciting time for NEW BUSINESS STARTUPS.

Remember this is YOUR journey. What works for someone else’s business does not necessarily mean it will work for yours. Think of all the different things you want to accomplish. Every business owner has ideas floating around in their head or on random notes in their office. Let’s bring all those ideas together into your business road map to success.


Grab a blank pad of paper and let’s map out the journey for your business.

1. Start by putting a TITLE at the top of the page. Use a new page for each title in your plan. Think of the title as a step or action item such as Website, Location, Press Kit, etc.

2. Under EACH title write down any IDEAS that come into your head. List them point form and keep writing until you have everything down you can think of.  Never discount an idea. You can always evaluate and update your road map. It’s OK if it feels like you are duplicating ideas on more than one page.

3. Review each list and PRIORITIZE your ideas by importance. Trust me this is harder than it sounds.

4. Number them by IMPORTANCE. Put a number beside every item on your lists.  You may be surprised to find that something far down your list really should be at the top.

5. Take the top 5 items from EACH LIST and really EVALUATE them.

6. Break each item down into tangible steps to help map out your journey. Write out a small action plan for each of the top items and the steps you need to achieve that goal.

7. Repeat this process for EVERY title. Be diligent in your process. You can go back and refer to this list as you accomplish the goals you set out in your road map.

8. Don’t be surprised if you end up grouping ideas together to create an amazing end result!

9. Now EVALUATE all the different steps (title pages) and prioritize which one of these steps is most important to tackle first.

10. You have created a road map for success. Review, modify and re-evaluate your road map continuously in your business.

Go out with confidence knowing you will achieve your dreams.

For those of you too busy to make plans and road maps, we invite you to reach out to us at Launch My Media. Purchase any services from our marketplace menu of business solutions and get FREE consulting services. Let us help you check a few headaches off your to do list so you can work on the projects you love.

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